As established by Wisconsin’s Groundwater Law of 1984, the Wisconsin Groundwater Coordinating Council (GCC) was formed and is made up of representatives of state agencies with groundwater protection responsibilities and state funding allocations, including the UW System and departments of Natural Resources, Safety & Professional Services, and Agriculture, Trade, & Consumer Protection. The GCC provides consistency and coordination among multiple state programs in funding groundwater monitoring and research to meet various program needs. The director of the Wisconsin Water Resources Institute serves as the UW System representative on the GCC.
To better target groundwater research funding, state programs involved with the Wisconsin Groundwater Coordinating Council agreed to establish an annual Joint Solicitation for Wisconsin Groundwater Research and Monitoring. This solicitation is coordinated jointly to facilitate proposal writing, streamline the review process, curtail duplication, improve coordination among agencies and researchers, and enhance communication among the agencies and among principal investigators. WRI plays a lead role in coordinating the solicitation, a rigorous review process, project reporting and making all technical reports available through our institute’s library and website.
Collectively, since its inception in 1985, this annual joint solicitation has funded more than 460 groundwater research and monitoring projects and has helped establish Wisconsin as an international leader in groundwater research.
More information on the GCC can be found here.
James Zellmer
Council Chair
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Susan Swanson, Ph.D.
Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
Sheryl Bedno, M.D.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Christy Remucal, Ph.D. (Interim)
University of Wisconsin System
Brad Johnson
Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services
Barry Paye
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Robby Personette
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
Steve Diercks
Governor’s Representative
For more information on the Wisconsin Groundwater Coordinating Council click here.